This is an owner operated jewelry and reappear store, located in a bustling shopping center in Alameda County, offers a diverse range of high-quality products and services. Specializing in gold, white gold, silver, diamonds, and more, the store caters to a discerning clientele seeking both standard and custom-designed jewelry With services including sales, repair, design, sizing, and setting. Their income is 30% from repair and 70% from sales.
Rent: $4,650 (including NNN)
Lease expires Feb 2026 option 3 to 5 years.
Well-designed and organized store layout
Equipped for sales, repairs, and custom jewelry design.
Markups ranging from 200% to 400%
Operating Costs:
PGE: $150/month
Insurance: $100/month
Internet: $95/month
Alarm: $100/month
Inventory: $50,000
Seller’s Claimed
Total income per month $30,000
Total expenses around $ 5200.00
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